Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility

Shoghi believes that creating a better world starts at home, at the local level and so has internalized in its business model effectively the corporate citizenship attitude. Our employees are active participants in our communities - involved in everything from food drives and shelters for homeless, fund-raising events for medical research to saving environment through projects that enhance parks and other public spaces. Shoghi encourages employee volunteerism by promoting volunteer opportunities and by making it easy for employees to participate.

Our sense of corporate responsibility functions as an inbuilt self- regulatory mechanism whereby Shoghi monitors and ensures its support to law, ethical standards and international business norms.

As corporate citizens, it is our responsibility to make charitable contributions that support our world vision. Shoghi Communications and its operating units, as well as individual employees, contribute to nationwide programs and local interest.

Every year, Shoghi extends financial contributions and personal commitments of time and energy to various Charitable organizations.


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